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29 Mart 2025 – 6 Nisan 2025 Tekne Konaklamalı Kızıldeniz Tur Programı
Kızıldeniz’in dalıcıları büyüleyen sualtı yaşamına tanık olacağımız, batıklarına ve gece dalışlarına doyamayacağımız harika bir program. Tam pansiyon tekne konaklamalı ve toplam 18-20 dalışlı programın detayları şu şekilde;
29 Mart 2025 Cumartesi 18:00 SABİHA GÖKÇEN havalimanı dış hatlar terminalinde buluşma. 29 Mart Cumartesi 2025 PEGASUS Hava yolları ile PC638 nolu uçuş ile saat 21:25 te İstanbul - Sharm-El Sheihk uçuşu, 23:00 Şarm El Sheikh’e varış. Pasaport – bagaj işlemleri sonrası transfer aracımız ile teknemize geçiş. Tekne brifingleri ve kamaralara yerleşme
30 Mart 2025 Pazar Sabah 07:00 de hareket yerel dalış rehberlerimiz eşliğinde Temple’da kontrol dalışı yapılacak. Günün ikinci dalışı Jackfish Alley, Abu Nuhas’a seyir. Gece Dalışı. (3 dalış)
31 Mart Pazartesi İlk dalış günün erken saatlerinde Carnatic ve Giannis D Dalışları. Small Gubal’a seyir. Filikalara dalış.
1 Nisan 2025 Salı Erken saatlerde Bluff Point ve Ulysses & Kingston Dalışları. Akşam üzeri Shaab Ali’de yunuslarla şnorkel
2 Nisan 2025 Çarşamba SS Thislegorm batığı 3 dalış ve gece dalışı. (4 dalış)
3 Nisan 2025 Perşembe Erken saatlerde SS Thislegorm dalışı, ardında Shark and Yolanda dalışı. Tiran Milli Parkına seyir Jackson Reef te dalış, Gece dalışı Gordon Reefte (4 dalış)
4 Nisan 2025 Cuma Programın son 2 dalışın Thomas Reef ve woodhouse’da yaptıktan sonra teknemiz limana doğru yol alacak ve bizlerde teknedeki son akşamımızın keyfini Kızıldeniz’in muhteşem manzarası eşlinde geçireceğiz. (2 dalış)
5 Nisan Cumartesi Tekneden sabah check-out sonrası uçuş saatine kadar Naama Bay de otelimize geçeceğiz. Saat 23.45’de havalimanına transer Pasaport işlemleri ve kontroller sonrası 6 Nisan 2025 PEGASUS Hava Yolları PC633 uçuşu ile 03:15 te Sabiha Gökçen havalimanına hareket. 06:55 varış.
Tur Fiyatı: 1.695 € KDV Dahil
Hesap Bilgisi:
Ayışığı Eğlence Turizm San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Garanti Bankası TL Hesabı
IBAN TR19 0006 2000 2990 0006 2960 27
ÖNEMLİ! Ödeme yapılmadan önce mutlaka iletişime geçiniz ve o günün belirlenecek kuru üzerinden ödemenizi yapınız.
Ödemesini direkt döviz olarak aktarmak isteyen katılımcılarımız, döviz hesabı bilgileri için iletişime geçebilirler
Uçak bileti - Pegasus Hava Yolları gidiş dönüş
· 7 gece 2 kişilik kamaralarda tam pansiyon tekne konaklaması
· 6 gün tekneden 20 - 21 dalış (dalış bölgeleri ve sayısı, hava ve deniz koşullarına göre değişkenlik gösterebilir)
· Tüp, ağırlık, ağırlık kemeri desteği
· Milli Park vergileri
· Tekne çalışanlarına bahşişler
· Sualtı rehberlik hizmeti
· Son gün Naama Bay’de konaklama
· Teknede konaklama boyunca tüm öğün yemekleri ve ara ikramlar
· Alkolsüz içecekler
· TURSAB Seyahat güvence sigortası
· Sharm-El Sheihk Havalimanı – Tekne | Tekne – Sharm-El Sheihk Havalimanı transferleri
· Bölgede yapılacak kişisel harcamalar
· 5 Nisan Cumartesi günü öğün yemekleri
· Yurt dışı çıkış harcı
· 15lt. tüp ve nitrox
· Ekipman kiraları
· Kapıda vize ücreti (25$)
· Dalıcı sigortası (DAN)
Fiyata açıkça dahil olduğu belirtilmemiş hizmetler
Dalışların ilk günü ilk dalış, tüm dalıcıların (Eğitim seviyelerine bakılmaksızın) kontrol dalışıdır. Kontrol dalışı yerel rehberler eşliğinde, dalıcıların dalış seviyelerinin tespiti, dalıcıların uygun ağırlık, ekipman ayarlamaları için yapılır. Gerekli görülmesi durumunda becerilerin tekrarı istenebilir ve bunun için kolay bir parkur seçilerek gerçekleştirilir. Dalıcıların yapmadıkları dalışlarının ücret iadesi yapılamamaktadır.
Tüm dalıcılar geçerli bir dalış sertifikası, kayıt defteri ve dalış sigortası göstermeli ve bir tıbbi beyan ve sorumluluk muafiyeti imzalamalıdır. Güvenlik açısından her dalışta bir dalış bilgisayarı, bir işaret şamandırası ve bir dalış feneri taşınmalıdır. Safariye katılmak için İleri seviye dalıcı veya eşdeğer bir dalış sertifikasına sahip olmanız ve en az 30 dalış yapmış olmanız tavsiye edilir. Tüm dalışlara, özellikle de batık dalışlarına katılım, her misafirin dalış yeterliliğine ve deneyimine bağlıdır. Güçlü akıntılar göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Teknenin tüm seyri boyunca telefon ve internet erişimi rotaya bağlı olarak kesilebilir. Tüm rota varış noktaları Mısır makamlarının, sahil güvenliğin ve liman polisinin onayına tabidir. Tüm rotalar değişebilir ve hava koşulları veya resmi emirler nedeniyle kısa sürede değişebilir. Gemide dalış programının nihai rotası gemideki grupla ortak hareket edilerek belirlenecektir. Hava koşulları veya diğer öngörülemeyen değişiklikler nedeniyle dalışlar kaçırılırsa veya dalış yerlerine yaklaşılmazsa, acentenin geri ödeme veya tazminat yükümlülüğü yoktur, buna teknik kusurların yanı sıra tüm Milli Park ücretleri ve Liman ücretleri de dahildir. Güçlü akıntı yaygındır ve dikkate alınmalıdır. Ras Mohamed Milli Parkı'nda gece dalışları ve şnorkelle yüzme yasaktır.
Bu sözleşme, Leopar Turizm Acentesi tarafından düzenlenen Yurtiçi ve Yurtdışı turlar ve dalış gezilerinde, katılımcıların ve tur sorumlularının güvenliği ve doğabilecek sorunları önlemek için uyulması gereken kuralları içermektedir. İşbu sözleşme addolunmuştur.
Tur Fiyatı: 1.810 € KDV Dahil
· 20 Kasım 2024 350 €
· 20 Aralık 2024 350 €
· 20 Ocak 2025 350 €
· 20 Şubat 2025 350 €
· 20 Mart 2025 410 €
This contract includes the policy for the prevention of the safety for the attendants (customers) and tour guides for problems in domestic and international tours and diving travels by Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Limited Company - Leopar Tourism Agency.
1. During the registration of domestic and international tours by Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Limited Company - Leopar Tourism Agency 40% of the total tour payment is taken as pre - payment. The other part of the payment must be paid 60 days before the departure. Otherwise. It's presumed that the costumer cancelled to join the tour and the 100% of the total payment as ‘’recantation compensation’’ is billed to the consumer.
2. Because of the subjects below, if the costumer could not join the tour, the extension of the insurance is limited 500 € for the international and 500 TL for the domestic tours.
3. For the Egyptian Visas, the attendans of the tour must give their updated documents to Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency 8 weeks before the departure.
4. If visa cannot be taken, Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency has not any responsibility.
5. Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency could cancel the tours 7 days before the registered (scheduled) or declared departure because of the inadequate number of the attendants or in necessary conditions. The customer can take all the payment back. In this condition, there isn’t any ‘’customer compensation right ‘’situation.
6. In international tours, attendants should accept and commit to pay 50% of the total payment if they cancel their tour 61 days before the departure. If their request for cancellation occurs 60 days before the departure they should pay 100 % of the total payment to the agency.
7. If there is a cancellation 30 days before the departure in domestic tours, the attendants should accept and commit to pay 50 % of the total payment, if the cancellation is 15 days before the departure they should accept and commit to pay 100% of the total payment ıf the customer transfers his/her tour to an another person 15 days before the departure, extra payments because of the changes should be paid by that person.
8. There isn’t any repayment in 15 days and earlier cancellation of the charter flights. If the customers couldn’t have a written legal report by a full constitution public hospital for their or their first degree close relative’s illness duration at least 10 days or, in a loss of his/ her own life (roommates or accompanying persons are not included), the should pay 40% of the total payment for the cancellation of the hour 8 – 15 days before the departure. If this cancellation occurs 7 days before the departure of charter flights, there will be no repayment to the customer.
9. If the costumers couldn’t have a report from a public hospital for their or their close relative’s illness durated 10 days or death (roommates or accompanying persons are not included) they should pay 40 % of the total payment in cancellation 8 – 15 days before the departure. If this cancellation occurs 7 days before the departure, they should pay 100 % of the total payment to Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Company – Leopar Tourism Agency. The details about this condition are included in insurance policy agreement.
10. The customers who did not pay their total payment during the declared period for any reason, they should accept and commit to pay the amounts of payment the limits of payment concerned below even they cancelled their reservations.
11. In charter flights, names can be changed. But in scheduled flights, it’s not possible. The customer should pay for tickets they lost. Tickets bought online from internet cannot be returned and the names cannot be changed. Customers should pay for the ticket re-arrangement payments.
12. If the customers missed the beginning of the tour and want to join the tour, they should report it. If there is not any report written by the customer, the company has right to cancel the customers no repayment to the customer.
13. The passports should be valid at least 6 months during the international tours.
14. Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading and Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency is an agent between the passenger and the flight company. The departure times and routes can be changed and should be confirmed 24 hours before the departure.
15. Our company is not responsible of the delays or time changes according to the airline companies. We’re also not responsible for persons could not sit together in the plane because of the fullness capacity. To present this condition it’s advise to go to the airport earlier from the check-in time. Extra fees for luggage’s over the permitted maximum weight given by the airline company is under the responsibility of the passenger.
16. Tour program is a sample program. The including schedule is unchangeable, but according to the flight departure times and route alternatives, his sample program can be changed because of the flight company’s decisions.
17. The check-out from the hotel (leaving time) is 12:00 pm, check-in time (registration) for the hotels is 14:00 pm. It’s applicable for the hotels in all over the world. Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency can change the hotel names, transferring vehicles, departure times and places or transferring the customer to another agencies under the strict circumstances of the standards including the scheduled program. The programs given during the registration are sample programs. The organization times of the extra tours noticed in the tour programs can be changed by the initiatives of the tour guides. The customer accept the accommodation for nights and the class and categories of the resort.
18. In any visa requests from Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency the customer must have valid passport (at least 6 months during the travel period). Passports and requesteddocuments must be given to Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency for transferring to the consulate of concerned country on the requested time by the consulate.
19. In visa applications, Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency is a negotiator. Our company is not responsible for ungiven (undelivered) visas. If the concern consulate did not confirm the visa, all the cancellation procedures below will be applicated.
20. The customers have no signature on the contract, but have registration for the domestic or international travel or hotel organization in that agreement contract, are assumed that the person who represented them for their registration should read and accept the policy of agreement and sign the contract. They don’t have the right for rejection eventhought they did not sign the contract. This agreement was valuable between the customers and the agency. Our customers who had reservation or bought service would read and know all the requirements on line from the web site and accept all of them before the departure. Returns, repayments and cancellations will be given to the customers as their requested. When the tour was bought, the conditions below would be accepted and committed by the customer.
21. For customers who bought travel insurance service or travel insurance package, the insurance limits of the damage, hazard, fault service or lost items were assessed by the policy contract by the insurance company. The agency has no responsibility for the including of these assurances, limits or serving methods.
22. If the customer didn’t finish the tour and left because of fault-based service, they have no write a letter about the reasons of leaving the tour and give it to the person who represents the agent and the hotel. Otherwise, this condition is described as the customer left the tour and used the service he/she bought.
23. It’s a duty of goodwilling of a customer to write all the things the he/she complained about. If the customer uses the service that he/she complained about, there will be any return or repayment rights for the booking service.
24. Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency conduct customer’s request about selecting their rooms, but can not guarantee it will be done. There is not any check-in until 14:00 pm on the arrival day. Customers should have check out until 10:00 am on the departure day.
25. According to section 9 of the package tour agreement contract, tour costs may increase maximum 5% of the total amount, with the requirement of the declaration to the customer 20 days before the departure. If there will be an increase of more then 5%, the customer has right to return and cancellation. But for the constituents, fees like landing taxes for the ports and airports, there in not any return or cancellation right.
26. Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency is responsible for the changes after the departure according to harmful, disadvantageous changes caused by the amount of compensation estimated by TURSAB KUTAHYA CHART CONCLUSIONS (TURSAB Tourism Customers Requirements Conclusions Chart) and can be repaid to the consumer as money or service return. Also, these compensation can be retrieved by extra services (not included in total payment) presented to customer during the tour. If these extra service retrievals or booking used by the customer, there will be no right for compensation requirement by the customer.
27. Items are not written in this agreement were convention items of 1618SY, 4077SY, 26345SY, IATA, IHA, UFTAA, Civil Aviation law, BK, TTK, international agreements included Turkey and regulation by-law, guide, circular letter, announcement belongs to these items applicated in Turkey with TURSAB KUTAHYA SCHEDULE which is applicated by using internationally accepted ‘’Frankfurter Tabelle’’ in Turkey.
28. The disagreements by reason of this contract, will be soluted by TURSAB Arbitrational Committee and procedures by this committee are applicable.
29. Customers are responsible for the accuracy of the names they wrote (as in the passport) in the agreement contract. If there will be differences between the copies of the agreement taken by the customer and Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency, the records and the copy in Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency is predicated on
30. The weight of baggages are assessed by the airliner company. Baggages in the cabinet were limited by measurements and also weight is limited of 8 kg. If the baggage is overweight and overmeasured, the amount of extra payment is between the customer and airliner company. Money, jewellery, valuable papers must not be carried in baggages. Ayışığı Entertainment Tourism Trading Industry Company - Leopar Tourism Agency is not responsible for the lost belongings in the baggages.
31. This present tour package agreement written between to behalfs (parties) with all attachments to was arranged, read, controlled and accepted for the both sides of the document. The behalfs (parties) together accepted and signed performances and commitments of this present agreement contract. Participiants and or individuals (persons who represents someone) whose names were written on the contract will join the tour, accepted and signed the agreement contract, also accepted all the legal responsibilities and commitments in the name of the persons who they represented.